MS. Marvel #3 Review

The honeymoon phase is over & shit gets real Yawk Yawk Yawk for Kamala

Its Issue three and Kamala Is still learning the ropes and abilities to her powers. The best part of this issue for me is the display of how smart Kamala is. We see her at the mosque being scolded for talking during the lecture, now Kamala is not really questioning authority after her apology but pointing out the hypocrisy of having to sit behind a partition in the mosque which makes it hard to concentrate as well as pointing out the mosques where there is no separation of men and women. The frustration shown on the lecturers’ face is priceless as it is depicted.

We see Kamala then having to deal with trying to control her powers in school as well as the detention that follows. I loved the biokinetic polymer that Bruno was working on cause as it is explained to make things stretchier we know he is going to be tied closely into Kamala’s adventures possibly as her tech guy and confident.That is once Kamala gets back to speaker terms with him. Also that Bruno is using that polymer as a scholarship application to Rutgers is such a great nod to Jersey location and realistically Rutgers is where they majority of highschoolers want to go if staying in state…(yeah I’m from jersey sue me).

The issue does take a serious turn in the end. Its the perfect cliff hanger and turning point to the series. when the hero learns things aren’t as easy and that even when being at the right place at the right time things can always go wrong….

I won’t spoil what happens but i will say


  • Omar Holmon is a content editor that is here to make .gifs, obscure references, and find the correlation between everything Black and Nerdy.

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