Saga #27 Review

Brian K. Vaughan ~writer/Fiona Staples~Artist/Image Comics

The tagline for this issue is “Poor Marko.” POOR MARKO. POOR READERS. POOR AUDIENCE. POOR US.  So let me get this tidbit of knowledge out the way, this Issue #27 is one of my favorite issues of Saga to date. I didn’t feel like it was a “filler” issue. It was more of a “AH HAH!” issue for me because I had several moments while reading where the dots connected. There were moments while reading where  I started to think back on certain characters and their motivations. This issue opened up to Marko, yes poor Marko and Yuma are OD’D and my poor Ghus stumbles upon them and this aint lady folk and my poor Ghus is so lost. LORDT. The great Rick James once said “Cocaine is a hell of a drug.” But PEER PRESSURE COULD ALMOST HAVE IT BEAT IN THE UNIVERSE THAT SAGA RESIDES IN. This fadeaway drug isn’t the beginning. I can imagine a trip to Sextillion with your buddies after they wear you down with persistance could leave you in very hot water at home if your signicant other were to find out cause I’m sure what happens on Sextillion sure as hell doesn’t say there!


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But back to business, this issue did a grand job is showing us how Marko became the man he is now. -From the first pages in (yes, it was t-r-i-p-p-y) we are reminded of his love for Alana and Hazel. We see how his decisions not only as a solider in times of war,  but also decisions made as young boy helped mold him into who he would become. We even see a glimpse of Barr, his father and a rather painful memory from his childhood that gives us a clearer picture of their complicated relationship and for me, a sad reminder that we lost Barr too soon.




Saga always tugs at the heart strings. ALWAYS. This issue successfully stands alone as part of the overall story and as a “one shot” for me for Marko, son of Klara and Barr, husband of Alana and man on a mission. We also see some interesting dynamics from Ghus and Prince Robot on the necessity of others and staying true to the mission, which is rescuing the children (and the rest of Marko’s family). File this issue away into my favorite for this series because it was way successfully in getting the job done.

A special thanks to artist Fiona Staples for answering my fangirl prayers of more Ghus, this time in those little footie pajamas.


funk it up


  • Carrie McClain is writer, editor and media scholar. Other times she's known as a Starfleet Communications Officer, Comics Auntie, and Golden Saucer Frequenter. Nowadays you can usually find her avoiding Truck-kun and forgetting her magical girl transformation device. She/Her

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