Advance Review: Black Canary #7

Writer: Brenden Fletcher / Artist: Annie Wu / DC Comics

The finale to the first arc of this new Black Canary carries it to a satisfying finish, but probably not up to the standard that this book had set previously. A few (but not all) truths are revealed as the revelation that Kurt was the one pulling the strings on this through some space time continuum space magic from last issue. Kurt reveals why all this has come to pass and what the actual threat is and why it’s necessary to have everyone involved to stop it. This happened a bit quick and left this last issue to make up a lot of ground.

While we had Dinah battling the strange monsters early in the series, since this shifted to the conflict with Bo and the Bands, it didn’t feel particularly streamlined to bring the monsters back into the fold as the main threat. Fletcher does a great job of bringing all the characters together for the final battle though and everyone gets some shine when they take on the big bad. There are still some questions left unanswered, but I suppose some things should be left on the hook for the next arc.

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I absolutely love Annie Wu on this book. Similar to Christian Ward on the early ODY-C issues, the experimentation and innovation of the art really let Wu flex her creative muscle and create something brand new. She handles a lot of different situations, be they straightforward conversations, action sequences, or abstract and they all shine.

Black Canary wraps its first arc and quickly established itself as one of DC’s top books out. The narrative gets a little wonky, but is still effective and Wu just does the damn thing as usual and carries large sections of this book. A fitting end to the first arc, and promises to show us a lot more.

8.4 Sonic Screams out of 10

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  • William is the Editor-In-Chief, leader of the Black Knights and father of the Avatar. With Korra's attitude, not the other one.

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