Writer: Christos Gage / Artist: Raffaele Ienco / DC Comics
I know that this is a Batman comic, but we gotta give props to Gage and Ienco for their rendition of Deadshot. The current headlining villain of Sins of the Father, he is perhaps the least changed character in the Telltale reimagining. He is wearing a functional adaptation of his iconic outfit. He is every bit of a tactical marksman you’d expect him to be. And most importantly, Telltale has latched onto the character’s anti-heroics and tethers it into the grand conspiracy at the heart of Telltale’s iteration. It’s not nearly as groundbreaking as the Penguin or the Joker, but he fits the antagonist role Gage had in mind and he fits it well.
Like your typical episode, we juggle between the different facets of Bruce. We get to see Bruce Wayne, local billionaire pariah and currently working with the police. We get investigator Batman, strong-arming criminals to find out crucial bits of information that we would be linking together if we were in the typical Telltale interface. We get Batman unmasked, talking candidly with Alfred. And finally, we get action hero Batman with all the quick time events and flashy fight sequences. The dialog is crisp and Ienco continues to perfectly capture the Telltale visual aesthetic.
Gage tells a good story. Each character has a strong voice in line with their video game counterpart and, in many ways, it feels like a good Let’s Play with a well-balanced set of responses and lots of fun Easter eggs regarding some content in Enemy Within. If you’ve liked the Telltale interpretation, you’re going to like this. But so much of the enjoyment is predicated on having this prior knowledge of this particular canon. And it’s a good Batman standalone, but sans the Telltale connection, it’s only just good.
7.7 “Cinematic Bullet Trails” out of 10
Reading Batman? Find BNP’s coverage of the Dark Knight here.
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