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Black Widow #3 Review

Writer: Chris Samnee, Mark Waid / Artist: Chris Samnee / Marvel Comics

If you’re one of those people saying “It’s too late for Black Widow to have a movie” or “I’m still not interested in a Black Widow movie” or “it’d just be a rehash of Captain America: Winter Soldier” *cups hands together and shouts* Eat a diiiiiick. Y’all ’bout to pay homage and let Natasha Romanova live, yo. Let the Jason Bourne of Marvel do her damn thing on the silver screen, son. Can my homie get the Marvel movie, with equal pay, and the toy line, and placement on merchandise? Can we do that for the gawd of espionage one time? That’s not even coming from being two issues into this book, Natasha has had a very long history with Marvel and if you think about it, has been shrouded in red tape and mystery much like Wolverine. Natasha been around for years but we still don’t know much about her.

Samnee and Waid are world-building off that beautifully. What I love about this book is that we don’t see Natasha talk much at all (not in a silencing women way, but in a hard as a muhfucka way). Natasha is a killer, so her language is violence and stealth. We get a myriad of that shit in this issue. We see Nat go back to her roots and remember old… classmates, I guess you would say? Natasha been out here killing since a ridiculously young age, doing solo missions at ten and merkin’ cats, man. That’s just… that’s just the hard shit. We see the Weeping Lion making her revisit a place where she was trained to be licensed to kill but Natasha isn’t alone. We are unaware of exactly what Natasha is doing back in her old stomping grounds, or what she should be looking for, but what we do see is trouble finding her with the quickness.

Samnee is fucking ruthless with the action sequences, man. I love how he highlights little tricks that Natasha is setting someone up for 3 panels later. It’s the perfect visual display for how many steps ahead in a fight or escape Natasha thinks. It’s that attention to detail that makes this book very enjoyable. We’ve seen what this team has done with Daredevil — ’nuff said, right? You know damn well they ’bout to put Black Widow back in that number one slot.

9.4 Shankings out of 10

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