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Captain Marvel #11 Review

writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick / artist: David Lopez / Marvel Comics

The two episode arc of “A Christmas Carol” concludes on a cool, sweet and sappy note as Carol spends one night in New York, but not exactly how she planned it. What the last two issues have really underscored is Carol’s isolation from her closest friends and this brought into focus on the very first page (which is incredibly well drawn by Lopez, by the way). Carol spends the night in Tracy Burke’s hospital room, telling her about the adventures she’s experienced while off world and ultimately falling asleep mid story to a friend who never responds. It’s a tried and true mechanism of showing your protagonist just be happy to confide things to someone when it’s really serving as an affirmation to themselves. It works well here and nurtures the narrative of Carol Danvers’ vulnerability to counter her as warrior badass. Which doesn’t mean we don’t get that either, of course. What would a Captain Marvel issue be without her kicking somebody’s ass, and we get that as some old, evil friends pay her a visit.

A lot of good things happen in this issue, but seriously, we’re here for the holiday cheer and Santa Claus right? The natural maturation of this story always had Carol flying through New York as Santa, I’m just mad I didn’t guess it before it happened.

Captain Marvel wraps up it’s holiday arc with some heart and some fun. As it was stated that Carol had one night back on Earth, I assume that the next story will take her back off world, but it will be interesting to see regardless where she ends up.

Next: Two Dope Boys and a Comic Book: Avengers #40
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