Writer: Gail Simone / Artist: Cat Staggs / Image Comics
After the satisfying catharsis of the last episode, issue #4 slows it down so as to allow our two characters to develop more deeply into their mutual situation. Meanwhile, outside forces are aligning, taking advantage of the change in Juniper and Cason’s personalities to advance their own agendas. Every beat continues to prove this isn’t your ordinary body-switching comic. (Is that such a thing?) First off, Cruz, the fiance of Mika whom the real Cason is bedding, is on the that set-up move, sabotaging Cason’s career with Mr Randolph, their mutual employer.
Yeah, it doesn’t take a genius to know that Cason didn’t kill Siggy. But really, he was harder to control than a room full of sugar high toddlers, so maybe it is good that he took a little nap. Permanently. While Cruz is working the angles, Cason and Mika are out on a date, with Juniper (in Case’s body) continuing to be amazed at how far out of whack she’d let her real life get. She’s amazed at the respect she gets now, at the feeling of power and control she has. And at the sex, but that’s for you to read about.
On the other end of the country, Cason in Juniper’s body isn’t having sex. Instead, he’s realizing that despite having been around women all his life, he has no idea how to be one. And being a better woman would really help him pass right about now. So he heads down the street to the local lesbians. It turns out that the woman he confronted when he ran over the teens in issue #3 is actually a transgender woman. It is a great twist to have a transwoman teaching Cason how to apply makeup. It is also a great inclusion of a community that lives among us everyday, but rarely sees themselves featured positively in comics.
Finally as the issue wraps up, both Juniper and Cason are embracing the new reality in word and deed, while giving only some thought to how to get out of it. So is Juniper now willing to go full hitman and fight off Cruz? Can Cason brave housewife ennui and survive the mall for back to school shopping? Only the next issue will tell.
Reading Crosswind? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.
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