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DareDevil #13 Review

writer:Mark Waid / Artist:Chris Samnee / Marvel Comics

Daredevil is such a good book, man. Waid is able to just take the reigns and steer the audience on a ride with more twists and turns than a those twisty bbq cheetoes… (was partly hungry when I wrote this). In all seriousness though, Waid has been building Matt Murdock and crew to a great level within the Marvel universe and Chris Samnee’s art has been the perfect visual for this incarnation of the horn head. It sucks their reign is coming to an end but what a run it has been.

This issue Matt gets the ego check as he talks with Foggy about loving Kirsten McDuffie and what that means as DD’s girlfriends don’t have the best track record with staying alive. Foggy ain’t hearing all that mess, all the while Kirsten is being hunted and then abducted by a mysterious figure. Murdock gets wind of this and realizes it must be one of his enemies trying to stick it to him… but then gets the rude awakening that Kirsten actually has an arch-enemy of her own. The Lilac Killer, a man she put away in jail years prior. This is a great turn of events and really shows Matt that just because the world knows he’s Daredevil doesn’t mean it’s always about him. Waid does a fantastic job of setting Kirsten apart from all of Matt’s prior romances as well as being her own person.

Still, I gotta say my favorite part of the book had to be the teaser for the Owl coming back into play with some new tricks for Daredevil. Samnee made him so eerie in this appearance that we got the message instantly that the Owl is about to take Daredevil to a whole new level of of confrontation.

The final page of this issue reveals there’s more players involved in Owl’s comeback than Matt knows about. We’re entering a dangerous turn of events and one that Waid and Samnee are certain to bring to a head for the end of their run.

Next: Sinestro #10 Review
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