Writer: Geoff Johns / Artist: Gary Frank / DC Comics
After the (sorta) Rorschach reveal in the last issue, this issue goes the other way. Instead of focusing on a single character and background, we cover a lot of ground. Almost too much ground. The narrative jumps between a bunch of different characters we’ve gotten to know a little. But it also jumps between a lot of characters we haven’t seen much of. On one level, this works to show how big the world is how several characters might factor in. On the other, its a lot to keep track of.
Beginning with Ozymandias recovering in the hospital from his fight with the Comedian, we get a lot of viewpoints. Ozymandias is being blamed for an attempt on Luthor’s life. An attempt on Luthor’s life brings about scrutiny and publicity, mainly from the Daily Planet. Outside of a brief schism in the matrix from the first issue, we finally see Superman, but not much of him. We see Lois, but just a bit of her. All manner of heroes are mentioned from the large Justice League pool, all to describe the status of heroes in general.
This issue focused on the so-called Superman Theory, which is the mass production of powered people in the United States. This, cleverly, has led to even harder regionalism and distrust of both the government and powered individuals. Prime enemy on that list is Batman, whose job would be hard enough to manage with the Watchmen crew invading his world, but also being against the will of the people.
Two big reveals happen that lead us towards even more involved characters in cool and surprising ways. Still, there is a lot to buffer before you get there. It’s easy to lose the grounded threads in such a shifting narrative.
What has been consistent this whole time is Frank’s art being superb and rooted throughout. The dreary landscape and outlook for the future is fully articulated with his talent for expression and focus. The book is still very good, the art itself has consistently been great.
Doomsday Clock makes its way back with a torrid pace. A lot is happening, but it is mostly created an atmosphere to weigh the plot even further. We aren’t getting too many answers yet, but we are getting a better picture of who is involved.
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