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Guardians of The Galaxy #23 Review

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis /Artist: Valerio Schiti / Publisher: Marvel

Ever since the symbiote was introduced waaaaaaay back in Spider-Man (late 80’s) it’s origin has always been a mystery. Well Brian Michael Bendis the character development god can’t let that sit. We’ve seen the symbiote take over the guardians crew and take the ship to an off sector planet of the galaxy as if it was being moth drawn to the flame. All conceptions on the true nature of alien symbiote race is a huge surprise as the guardians awake on their home world. This is the planet that has all the answers Flash Thompson has been seeking since he’s been bonded to the life form. He willing gives himself to the symbiotes as the crew watches on…

Bendis has the symbiotes bond to the crew to explain their history and all that they’ve been trying to do for so long. There is a great explanation as to why some symbiotes go so out of control and it all makes perfect sense. I don’t want to spoil everything that was discovered thus far but it is well worth the read. Where the crew felt they were in immediate danger upon arrival, that changes when they learn the truth about the symbiotes. They even learn the true name of the species. Flash is basically the hero of the planet due to everything he has gone with his symbiote partner. He gets honored in the highest regard to become the beacon and warrior that the symbiotes were trying to create to protect the universe all along.

Valerio Schiti you crazy for this design booooooy. Yeah, Flash copped that upgrade folks. This book is a fun read to put to rest one of the longest mysterious in Marvel and the conclusion jumps right into the next arc. Let’s just say we’re going to see Peter Quill get state of the galaxy speeches ready.

Next: Loki: Agent of Asgard #10 Review
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