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Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #25 Review

Writer: Robert Venditti / Artist: Ethan Van Sciver / DC Comics

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps is ridiculously lit. Robert Venditti has put together a Green Lantern ensemble book that masterfully handles a big cast while serving up a big picture style of narrative that develops a lot of characters at once while still maintaining the kind of large scale, ass kicking sci-fi that people pick up a Green Lantern book for in the first place. And it keeps getting better as the stakes seem to keep getting higher.

Issue #25 is the culmination of over a dozen issues of tension between the Lanterns of Will and Fear and their uneasy alliance. Granted, it wasn’t the all out slugfest it could have easily been, but it did shake out in a way that definitely established John Stewart as the hardest corps leader of all time as far as I’m concerned. One of the most interesting storylines was watching Stewart handle the pressure of keeping the corps together during an unprecedented time. I was originally worried that this book would spend too much time highlighting Hal Jordan as the corps’ resident badass, but this has become a well-balanced book that is developing the hell of out a lot of characters at once.

As much as I haven’t enjoyed his work over the majority of this series, I have to admit I’m actually sort of impressed with the visuals in this issue. His figures all look well proportioned with highly expressive faces. The panels all carry the sort of epic scale and grandeur that a book like this should always come with.

Bottom Line: Not quite as explosive as what I expected, but still a pretty satisfying end to the Green/Yellow honeymoon.

8 John Stewart Semper Fis out of 10

Reading Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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