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Magneto #13 Review

writer: Collen Bunn / artist: Javier Fernandez

I gotta say, even though this was a slower installment of Magneto, its nice to have a focused and slow burn story line again after the AXIS crossover. This month, the focus is almost entirely on Raleigh and how the she relates to other people from a very exclusive club: the Magneto Survivors. This was a great detour into the wreckage or lack there of for some that are left in Magneto’s wake. Merchandise, footage, war wounds, everything is available in this cult/swap meet/counseling group that Raleigh wanders into. There are brief moments of nostalgia and competition for how has the best Magneto story, but that hits the brakes of course once S.H.I.E.L.D. shows up.

Fernandez is back on the pencils for Magneto and he is on his game as usual. One of the things he does best is showing the different interpretations of Magneto himself from the calm to the sadistic. Magneto is a god in this issue while only appearing in it for a couple of pages. Much of that is in how large the artwork conveys him through the eyes of others.

Magneto gives us a slow burn in its AXIS aftermath, but the story is more of a continuation of the the Pre-AXIS storyline, which is a good thing. It’s nice to have this book back.

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