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The Mighty Thor #22 Review

Writer: Jason Aaron / Artist: Valerio Schiti / Marvel Comics

Jason Aaron is doing a LOT of things right with the Mighty Thor but above all, he takes chances. Sure, there have been several incarnations of Thor over the years, but if anyone else had three different Thors in the same book, I can almost assure you it would have turned out ridiculous. However, Aaron approaches the mythos with the epic scale and emotion the character deserves. I’m sure some people might write Jane Foster off as diversity for diversity’s sake, but given the overall quality of the book, it’d be a hard argument to maintain.

Issue #22 picks up right after the previous issue with the newest player, the War Thor, taking the fight to Malekith’s unholy union. There’s a little bit of down time at the beginning but after that, the rest of the book is pretty exciting as Volstagg shows up looking for blood….or whatever the Queen of Cinders is made of. Y’all, there’s so much metal, lightning, and fire flying back and forth, the book looks like something to come out of a Tenacious D song if it were directed by Michael Bay.

So, needless to say, the battle that takes up the majority of the book was appropriately epic. It also serves the narrative of reminding the reader that the War Thor is more of an anti hero than a clear cut good guy. A guy who likes murder and carnage this much can’t be without his character flaws. While Russell Dauterman is the undisputed right artist for this book, Valerio Schiti is definitely an outstanding addition to the creative team on this book. Each panel appropriately captures the sense of legendary intensity between these mythical entities.

Bottom Line: An action packed installment of what is already a compelling read. Aaron is going to stop writing the hell out of this book until he’s regarded as a Top 5 Thor writer.

10 Hair Band Metal Compilations out of 10

Reading The Mighty Thor? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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