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Nightwing #24 Review

Writer: Tim Seeley / Artist: Miguel Mendonca / DC Comics

We’ve been with Nightwing in Bludhaven for a little while now. We’ve seen plenty people: residents, criminals, law enforcement and the like reminding him that he was an outsider and that Bludhaven was not Gotham. But this may be the first time he’s truly been challenged as to someone else claiming the city. It presents a different proposition from Nightwing, compared to the reluctant intruder. Now, Nightwing is forced with the question of “what right do I have to be here doing this?” that hadn’t really been addressed before. Its a refreshing idea, that makes Blockbuster 2.0 a more compelling villain than he could’ve been. And yes, villain.

After last issue’s reveal that Blockbuster had actually set up Grayson for Tiger Shark’s clients, the rest of the issue is about 90% action. We’re talking Raid Redemption type shit with Grayson trying to escape the boat with half a hundred killers after him.

Instead of all brute force (but still mostly), Seeley does an excellent job of showcasing Nightwing’s resourcefulness of taking on multiple enemies while still referencing the lessons that Batman taught him. Its entertaining as hell and varied watching Nightwing deal with a bunch of villains he completely outclasses, but in large numbers like this.

Mendonca does a pretty damn good job on the art for this issue, even if it feels that he’s a bit overworked. There are A LOT of splash pages. But even with the somewhat over-saturated big actions panels, it feels kinetic and always on the move. It lends itself to Nightwing progressing through the bowels of the ship towards a supposed freedom.

A pretty good issue overall and slightly different balance for a Nightwing series with such an action focus. Which is a good change of pace. It ends with a bang and we’ll have to see what daring escape the trapeze artist made this time as this arc continues.

9.1 Escape Routes out of 10

Reading Nightwing? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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