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Power Man and Iron Fist #13 Review

Writer: David F. Walker / Artist: Elmo Bondoc / Marvel Comics

Power Man and Iron Fist continues its long journey through the Harlem Burns storyline, this time in the aftermath of the big set up and explosion that decimated a city block and a few lives while attempting to take out the warring parties. Our heroes included. Now the heat is applied to everyone that survived by those rival parties and the police, who I’m sure can let some things slide with the heroes for hire, but them being involved in a big altercation at a prison and now a bomb going off in Harlem is probably a bridge too far. While still interesting and a few more moving pieces added to it, the storyline is dragging a bit of late, having not moved all that far since our intro to Alex as the mastermind behind all of this. What Walker has done well is show the vulnerabilities of everyone involved, heroes and villains alike. It also showcases the manipulative power of Mariah and how she is still putting her finger on the scale, even though she has been looked at as part of the ensemble crew that Alex has assembled.

There are some good moments between Luke and Danny as the two talk out responsibilities and how they got here. This book is at its best when it finds the time to focus on the friendship and the honesty that binds these two, no matter what the circumstance may be.

Bondoc is on the art this time around and while different, the book doesn’t lose any of its edge that has worked in symbiosis with Walker’s storytelling and language to this point. The character models are still done well and Bondoc does well with the limited beats of action as well.

While it has been good, I do think we’ve reached the end of this storyline (and sadly this book via the Luke Cage book announcement) as we’ve gotten the deep dive and then some on all characters involved.

8.2 Street Sorcerers out of 10

Reading Power Man and Iron Fist? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

Next: Ms. Marvel #15 Review
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