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Sex Criminals #11 Advanced Review

Writer: Matt Fraction / Artist: Chip Zdarsky / Image Comics

We are finally baaaaaaack, friends! A new installment of Sex Criminals is upon us, and the glory… oh Loooooooord, the glory. This issue felt incredibly long (which I loved) which may be due to the break but probably has more to do with Fraction’s incredible ability to pack so much into a story within thirty-two pages. We got Jon and Suzie delving deeper into the background of others like them with Ms. Coca– Kincaid. Before all that we get a large focus on one of the members of Kegel Face’s squad, The Orderly.

Fraction gave him an incredible sense of humanity and character as we see that his actual job is helping others, especially his mother who’s lost some physical abilities. The crusher here is that we’ve seen this dude as just a henchmen for almost a year up until this point, and now your heart is conflicted because this dude seems truly genuine and kind in his regular life Now we’re going to be seeing where that divide comes in again with his “sex policing?” life with Kegel Face. There is also a pretty big issue that Kincaid has when she finds out more about Jon and Suzie that causes shakes up the dynamic.

Can we just talk about how incredible Zdarsky is with his art game? All the characters are smooth? Yep! All the scenes are vivid and live as fuck? You know it! He is able to encompass so much with each character in their mannerisms, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY’RE DOING PUNS! From cheesy to confusion, frustration, or concern, Zdarsky bodies down to the molecule in his art so you know exactly what that particular character is going through without it even being said.

One of the best moments in this book is how Fraction and Zdarsky not only have Suzie break the fourth wall, but how we see it happen between Fraction and Zdarsky on panel as well. You can tell these guys are having fun, which makes it even more enjoyable for us as a reader. This was the perfect issue drop after such a long hiatus. If they keep coming with this heat right here? This fun, good-feeling issue right here? Man, go on ahead and take all the time y’all need.

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