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Sex Criminals #19 Review

Writer: Matt Fraction / Artist: Chip Zdarsky / Image Comics

Can I just state how hard I laughed at the title of this issue being “Down with the Thickness”? That’s gotta to be a reference to Disturbed’s single “Down with sickness” juxtaposed with “oooooh you gettin’ thick boi/girl”. I’m screaming from that shit. Anyhow, we open up with this issue with Jon and Suze back on their ol’ bullshit and meeting up with another person that can enter their own version of the quiet/ cum world. The problem here is that Suze doesn’t wanna be back on their ol’ bullshit. Suze is, in fact, upset because she was lead to believe they were off their ol’ bullshit and is now coming to find out that was indeed a lie (Of omission. Maaaaaan).

There is a shitload of animosity Suze is harboring (rightfully so) at Jon, which isn’t great timing in front of their new, easily spooked guest. Yeah, this does not bode well for our fave couple at all. Meanwhile, Dr. Kincaid and Doc (nickname I’m assigning Jon’s therapist because I can’t remember his name at the moment) are out on a date and Kincaid’s blunt suggestion that Doc do more than just nod his head to what she expresses (as if she were a patient) open up a flood of though from the doctor. I believe this is the most we’ve ever seen of him talking and the hilarious part is that the caption bubbles contain so much of his thoughts that it takes up huge amounts of space on the page.

Zdarsky always finds a way to manipulate that Canvas and I loved this scene for that. We’re getting a lot of deep character analysis from Doc while at the same time seeing humor in this peeling back of the layers within his character. The date portion was favored section for me this issue, but shit ain’t all Gucci as we then see Alix Ambrose get a clear and present threat that makes her realize Jon was right (in his wrong way) and action is going to have to be taken against Kegel Face’s squad.

There’s a lot more that’s happening this issue and things are pretty tense and rocky. Sex Criminals manages to find humorous moments within dialogue but the game and stakes are getting way more dire as a storm is headed for Jon and Suze.

9.3 Omitted Lies out of 10

Reading Sex Criminals? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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