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She-Hulk #6 Review

writer: Charles Soule / artist: Ronald Wimberly

She-Hulk has been (is) one of my favorite new titles of this past year and I’m pulled in by how unique it is, even for Marvel’s outstanding individual-when-they’re-not-being-Avengers books they’ve launched over the last couple years. This particular issue feels a bit disjointed, especially as it concerns the overall arc. There are so many questions still in the air, people put in danger, hellish demons attacking the office, etc, that it feels weird for Jennifer to just want to cut the cord on it by the end of the issue. Obviously, this isn’t the end of this particular story going into She-Hulk #6 but it was a weird character moment regardless and left me scratching my head.

Everything else on the writing side worked well, as Soule’s dialogue is always funny and entertaining, including the crews attempts to explain there is a trigger word that might send people into homicidal rage without actually saying said trigger word or honestly even knowing what it is. Still, there are a lot of plot threads to pick up, including the addition of Nightwatch to fill out such a colorful roster of characters. As I didn’t have the opportunity to speak on last issue, I’m really happy that Ronald Wimberly is doing the art for this title as I’ve been fan of everything he touches since reading Prince of Cats. It does seem his art fits this issue more with Jennifer “hulking out” then it did the previous issue that found her entirely in dialogue. On one hand, when the art works for this book, it really works. On the other, I loved the spectacle of Pulido’s clean and ultra-sophisticated approach as I felt it fell more in line with Jennifer’s personality.

This is still a pretty entertaining book and one I look forward to each month. The plot gets a bit messy and doesn’t necessarily move much in this issue. However, there’s still good stuff to mine from it and the plot (seemingly) should be moving into more interesting places.

Next: Original Sin #6 Review
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