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Sinestro #5 Review

writer: Cullen Bunn / artist: Daniel Eaglesham

Sinestro’s individual book has been a mixed bag of but my general sentiment would be “just a little bit more” for each issue that I read and like, but don’t love. Last month’s effort was probably the best of the series, though the threat they spent parts of 3 books building was over rather quickly with no hint of a return. This issue is again, not great, though it does incorporate a number great moments.

The whole issue, essentially is a conversation between Hal Jordan and Sinestro. And that’s a good thing. As the two most prominent figures in the Green Lantern universe (sorry Guy and Kyle), Bunn nails the tone and sentiments of each of them. Hal seeing the desperate Korugans feels like he’s seen this movie before with Sinestro, and Sinestro doing what he does best: Pshaw any suggestion that he’s not the best and brightest guy in the room. And as arrogant as that is, it doesn’t mean he’s wrong. The revelation wasn’t as surprising as it should’ve been considering they plastered Parallax on the cover, but Sinestro has seemingly mastered the embodiment of fear making him dangerous beyond words for any that challenge him. Still, as much as he’s in control now, having the living entity of fear living inside you can’t be that great an idea. Methinks that might not go as planned down the road.

Sinestro continues to be worthwhile even if it hasn’t reached the potential befitting one of DC’s most interesting and nuanced characters. I’m still in, because moments like Hal and Sinestro playing the battle of wills always draws me in, even if I’m still left wanting a bit more.

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