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Sinestro #9 Review

writer: Cullen Bunn / penciller: Brad Walker / DC Comics

In the wake of the big “New Gods” crossover event, Sinestro is again, supposedly back to his mission of saving his fellow Korugarians across the galaxy. He is a little distracted however as his invitation to Bekka of New Genesis to join the Sinestro Corps still being unanswered. THAT could be interesting. This issue? Fairly interesting. A ton going on to start this new arc. Dead Korugarians, the Pale invasion is back and spreading and Mongul. Oh yeah, #MongulBack. He left the calling card for Sinestro with the distressed (and eventually dead) Korugarians to bait him into battle again. The action sequence is done well with some vintage Sinestro and Mongul dialogue on both sides. It sets up nicely for the next arc in the story.

Walker takes over the pencils this go around and does an admirable job. The action sequences as I mentioned stand out well, though all the characters seem to not have much variance in their specific facial expressions.

Sinestro starts a new arc with some elements from the New Gods storyline still hanging over it. It is interesting that nothing of real consequence for Sinestro and his crew have come out of the crossover (yet) and that is kind of a reflection on the event more than this individual comic. Still, this busy issue is a good first entry into a new, perilous story for Thaal Sinestro.

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