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The Green Lantern #6 Review

Writer: Grant Morrison / Artist: Liam Sharp / DC Comics

This issue of The Green Lantern was probably the most straightforward we’ve seen from Morrison’s delivery in a while. When we start off with our hero, Hal is in deep cover trying to get closer to the Big Bad behind most of the book’s troubles: Controller Mu. There’s something entertaining about what seems like this villain’s intentional and straightforward blandness. I can always appreciate a bad guy that just wants to show up, get their way and be done with it.

There was a lot of buildup since the first issue that leads to the climactic moment in #6. I can honestly say that the payoff actually lived up to the world building done to satisfy it. The stakes are subtly getting higher all the time and things are getting really exciting. Meanwhile, Liam Sharp is a revelation that seems to be keeping pace with Morrison’s script every issue. As the story intensifies, the quality seems to improve and that’s saying a lot considering this has always been a gorgeous book. For a comic that’s pretty heavy on big moments and action, the emotion is still present in every panel. I always marvel at Sharp’s ability to convey emotions and non-verbal dialogue on characters that are so unconventional and inhuman looking.

Bottom Line: It’s rare that a comic builds up to a face-off or a pivotal turn of events and actually delivers well. If this weren’t already an entertaining book, that would be enough to justify putting your money here. Morrison still has a winner on his hands.

8.5 zeta beams out of 10

Reading The Green Lantern? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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