Writer: Greg Rucka / Artist: Bilquis Evely / DC Comics
It’s back to the past as Diana sees that Minerva has become The Cheetah. Diana doesn’t get the full run down of what’s occurred with Minerva’s transformation, but what she does get is a dropkick to the gut and some hands thrown at her. Cheetah arrives back at Veronica Cale’s with an artifact in her possession that is required for summoning. Rucka has shown just how far Cale has gone to undo the damage that’s been done to her daughter by Aries children Deimos and Phobos. We see Doctors stumped to her condition which leads to Veronica Cale having to take extreme measures into her own hands.
Cale is the villain of the series but you can’t really blame her for all the actions she has to undertake as she is just trying to save her daughter. Wonder Woman’s appearance has her suffering the wrath of gods by proxy, and now she is trying to summon another deity in order to get her daughter back to normal. In order to do that we’re going to need an appearance from none other than Circe. Yeah, we got rebirth Circe appearing out in this piece and she is straight up with the shits. Circe doesn’t play much of a factor this issue but that we see her in rebirth and Rucka’s attention to detail, you know she is going to come back and be a major player.
Evely still does the damn thing drawing Wonder Woman in the early stages of her adventures. I love the colors and overall look of Diana and ever her enemies. I’ve said it before but this artwork really makes its feel like we are seeing this book set in the Silver Age. That’s not an easy task to fight off. I was also feeling the skirmish we get between Cheetah and Diana, we get to see some Evely’s showcasing Diana’s agility.
We’re going to be getting more set up here for the big finale of God Watch. Rucka hasn’t disappointed in the last arc and is great at tying the knots on storylines, making them all come together. Wonder Woman remains in the hands of the creative team that’s got her at the best she’s been at for years.
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