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Batman: Baaaad Blooood (HEY!) Trailer

It’s almost safe to say that if DC animated videos were albums, then Batman’s approach would like the Wu-Tang Clan’s — another fire drop fresh out the gates. This time Batman/Bruce Wayne is missing, which forces Dick Grayson to step into the role of Batman to keep up appearances. He’s joined by Damian Wayne and newcomers Batwoman and Batwing, and we get to see the Batman universe expand as well as how things in Gotham turn out when Bruce isn’t around to protect his city.

We got to delve into some of the mechanics behind the production of Bad Blood this year at New York Comic Con as we talked with some of the cast. Director Jay Olivia assured us the action would be peak Batman, with each character having their own definitive style. As Batman is a master of a multitude of martial arts we’ll see him take from Akido, Judo, Tae-Kwon-Do, and others, whereas as Batwing — who has a more military background — will take elements from Krav Maga and similar combat styles, reflecting a distinctly different fighting style.

Jason O’Mara, who is back to voice Batman again, assured us that although Batman is missing from Gotham his role won’t be minuscule in the movie. We also asked Jason what Batman listens to when he’s in the Batmobile on patrol, to which he replied with the utmost confidence, “Bad Blood. Taylor Swift. I can’t believe you got me to say that.”

Gaius Charles, who plays Batwing, was present and literally flexed his nerd cred as he discussed the Batwing that came before his character Luke Fox, his love of the Batman animated series, as well as the comics. Lucius Fox (Ernie “The Man” Hudson) has a very prominent role in this as we see the father and son role play out between him and Luke. We asked Gaius the realest question we could think of — the question the streets need an answer for — “Is Batwing a Drake fan?” to which he replied, “I’d like to think so. You gotta be able to turn up in the flight suit!” You see what we’re giving you people? We out here getting the real answers for y’all.

We’ve seen nothing but hits from Batman thus far in the animated movie game so there isn’t any reason to doubt that Batman: Bad Blood will be any different.

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