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The Magic Order #3 Review

Writer: Mark Millar / Artist: Olivier Coipel / Image Comics

Mark Millar and Olivier Coipel continue to established their new, ingenious world of magic and mysticism with issue #3. Readers are given an expanded view of the darker side of the wizarding world, as Madame Albany divulges long-awaited answers and new details about the Moonstone family on a must-read page. In context, the reveal is as heartbreaking as you can imagine. It’s been a grim situation for Leonard, Cordelia, Regan, and Gabriel so far. This issue will put our family of four through the fire, setting major ramifications in motion.

Before continuing, I want to give thanks to Mark Millar and Olivier Coipel for this somewhat inconsequential — but absolutely necessary — panel accurately representing what riding the train in New York City looks like. Whether Googling images of an NYC train car or actually riding them himself while making mental notes, I’m so proud of the attention to detail that Coipel paid. This shit was ON POINT! The Black, brown and even Caucasian faces were depicted properly. That woman in a hijab nearly brought a tear to my eye! This is my commute everyday. This is America.

Back on the Moonstone side of things, Gabriel’s history is explored. The reader is made to understand why he left the Magic Order to be with his wife. Millar and Copiel are artistic mavens who make you feel every ounce of his pain. Meanwhile, Leonard continues to do a terrible job of convincing his son that it’s dangerous out here in these Madame Albany assassination streets. She’s boldly declared her intention to come for Papa Moonstone’s neck next, but Gabriel ain’t wit the shits and pays him no mind (despite the gut-wrenching dig his father takes at him).

I was saddened that my favorite character, Cordelia, and hothead Regan are reduced to playing magical Batman and Catwoman. This entire issue for them is spent shaking down lowlifes, trying to get info on the Venetian. Hell, after Madame Albany hit Moe Rizzo with the mirror murder musik last issue, then made poor ‘ol Carmela tell Leonard Moonstone she was coming for him? They shoulda been by his side at all times!

This issue also introduces the Black Kingdom, where evil wizards take up residence. It’s shrouded in mystery, just like Moonstone Castle, and provides an excellent backdrop for a bonkers scene between Madame Albany and her shape-shifting henchman Lord Cornwall. Their interaction provides us with a breakdown of the sadistic simplicity behind her intentions and motives. Following this up are some audacious panels that will leave you questioning how far you’d go to get hype before enacting your long-awaited revenge.

The Venetian pulled up on old man Moonstone looking for all the smoke. From the jump we’ve seen the Venetian best quality wizards in every fashion, so you best believe he brought the static. This was also a perfect opportunity to see what the patriarch of this family was all about. Madame Albany and The Venetian pull out all the stops, and you have to see the carnage for yourself to believe the outcome. Do they unleash last issue’s much-talked-about time eater from the 4th dimension? Whip out the soul eater camera again? Will Leonard put his vengeful niece and vicious assassin in their place? Go cop this book ASAP.

Another great entry for Mark Millar and Olivier Coipel here. I really appreciate that there’s always so many new aspects of this magical world to dissect and devour. We’re getting outstanding battles, and impressive character building. The Magic Order should be on everyone’s must-read list, because there aren’t any signs of its momentum slowing down!

9 Reasonable Wizard Requests Out of 10

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