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Top Five Moments: The 75th Golden Globes Had Hits

Yes tis the season – award season and I am ready to get down with the celebs, the uncomfortable moments and all the things rich Hollywood says a million times to make a movement. So here are my top five moments from the Golden Globes that surprised me, made me proud, or were just plain hilarious. We’ll start at number 5.

5. Three Billboards cleaning house

Besides Ladybird, this film was the belle of the ball at the Golden Globes this year, for good reason. Three Billboards… was made for great actors to do great things, the story was the foundation for these phenomenal actors to build a masterpiece. Sam Rockwell won best supporting actor, this may not be exciting for everyone, but Sam Rockwell is one of my favorite actors. He plays a not so smart, hot headed local policemen in three billboards, a pretty offensive of a role. He said, “I’ve done a lot of indie films, it’s nice to be in something that people watch,” he just gets me. Also the champ, with the mean strut to the stage, Frances Mcdormand beat out the Streep.

I know there were days when Meryl didn’t win, I’m sure they exist, but I haven’t seem ’em in a while, and truly Frances did the damn thang in this role. She was the plays-no-games mother looking for justice in the meanest, sarcastic, and politically incorrect way with a heart or steel. She made mess – but wasn’t taken any mess. Plus, after my girl Margot Robbie didn’t get it in her category, I was overjoyed to see Frances take it.

4. Tommy Wiseau Finally gets his moment…

Excuse me, I’m sorry James Franco gets his moment after portraying the famed, Tommy Wiseau in The Disaster Artist. I have yet to see the film, but am anxious to get to see this gem. I have been contemplating if I should see the real film first and after the Golden Globes it might be worth a shot! When Franco pulls his brother on stage for the speech, I thought awww… then I see Tommy Wiseau heading to the stage as well, not unheard of but I was like….whoa. Whoa indeed, before James can get one word out of thanks, Tommy is B-lining for the mic and James reaction is classic.

I would have done the same thing! Number one, from what I do know, there is no predicting what that man would have said. He definitely had the look and persistence of someone who was going to take the Globe and say finally! And thank all of his friends and then flip off the audience and say F$#&k you to everyone in the room. Or speak forever about something no one could follow. Franco stopped that in its tracks like a mom with her kid at the grocery store – he said “no no no no.” Well played Franco and congrats Tommy, you still made it.

3. Seth Meyers Harvey Weinstein-deserved jabs

Now I am not a huge Seth Meyers fan. He is funny, his punchlines did hit back in the day on weekend update and I don’t watch much “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” needless to say, I wasn’t super excited about him hosting. When I heard his opening jokes… dang – I was shut up. This was a happy surprise for sure! He was firing em off one by one, and let’s be honest there is so much material in Hollywood these days. He got at all the despicable men including Spacey, and Trump of course, but his hits at Harvey Weinstein were gold. He said, “and in 20 years Harvey Weinstein will be the first person booed during the in memorium.” Shots fired! He really went there – he went there and had full license, he knew he would never be penalized for it. Slow clap Seth – Game. Set. Match.

2. Natalie Portman Subs

Right after Oprah made her inspiring and invigorating speech on justice for women everywhere in all walks of this earth, Natalie Portman and Ron Howard came to announce the nominees for a category that has not had a female winner since 1984… WOW. She comes to the mic giggling, straight up laughing, and I’m like, what’d I miss? Then she says “And here are the all male nominees…” AWKWARD!! Then the cameras pan to the faces of each nominee – one looking more embarrassed and ashamed than the other. Portman was like, oh you thought you had wind for those sails.. While laughing at their achievements. Natalie was back to her rapping days, ready to slay!

Don’t get me wrong, Guillermo Del Toro winning was long awaited, well earned and so deserving (and he son-ed that cut off music), and each nominee is talented, and made amazing work, but… Time is up and damn – that was really bad timing.

1. Oprah

What else is there to say. Oprah received the Cecil B. DeMille award for lifetime achievement, and gave the inspiring speech she was born to make. Oprah hijacked the show and had everyone at attention. As the cameras panned across the audience focusing on every black face they could find, everyone’s eyes were glued on Oprah’s face, her every move, her every word, and rightfully so. She took us down many lanes, some of her first moments seeing Black greatness with Sidney Poitier and spoke of triumphs in history. If anyone is good at their job it’s the almighty Oprah. She brought us there and back again, first schooling us on the story of Recy Taylor, a young woman during Jim crow era who was sexually assaulted by a number of white men while walking home from church. Taylor’s assailants never got prosecuted, after a case was built by the NAACP each man got off scott free. Oprah said, that woman died just 2 days shy of her 98th birthday never seeing justice so… Negro your time is up!

Uproarious cheering and after that – it was over. Every speech, every step, every breath, time was up. Even though everyone came with the pins, dressed in black the movement was already in motion, but Oprah bought a plane, loaded it with her best material, took off with her all women crew and landed that shit on target. Time is Up mothereffers!

Those are my top five. Some honorable mentions are foreign language film winner, Fatid Akin’s joke, “See a cop warn a brother” did not land. He’s obviously not a comedian, so not aware of comedic timing and what?? Why are you saying that? Seems like one of those “I’ve always wanted to say that” moments.

Aziz Ansari winning for acting, what! I didn’t see that coming and neither did he! I thought he might win for writing, or producing if those are even categories, but he beat out William H. Macy! – Congrats, first Asian male actor to win best leading performance in a TV comedy.

And Sterling K. Brown, first black actor to win for leading performance in a TV drama, and Oprah first black woman to receive Cecil B. DeMille Award – Congrats POC, we still winning!

So much happens during these award shows and I live for it, let me know the moments that gave you life, and I’ll see you at the Oscars.

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