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It’s About Time For An X-Men vs Avengers Movie

From cartoons and toys to video games and Disney+ shows, the Avengers brand is a cash cow that shows no sign of drying up. With that being said, their movies are where the billion dollar biscuits are buttered and where the majority of their buzz is generated. Tommy’s 86-year-old grandma in Spokane wouldn’t give a damn about Carol Danvers and Jeremiah’s uncle in Chattanooga wouldn’t know T’Challa from Bruce Banner, but after those Captain Marvel, Black Panther and Avengers movies?! The game done changed fam. It is time for X-Men vs. Avengers on the big screen.

Mutants Make Magik

Now, before the Avengers became the powerhouse crew that everybody knows and loves, there was a small group of mutated humans that used to run this superhero movie block, and they went by the name of the X-Men. I’ll spare you with the backstory, but Professor X’s gifted young heroes (and Spider-man) made it possible for the genre that now boasts 5 of the 10 highest grossing films of all time to flourish. Yes, Captain America owes his lunch money to Cyclops. Killmonger would’ve been left on the Marvel cutting room floor if it wasn’t for Magneto. But now? It’s all so beautiful these days. Everybody eats. And everyone would be eatin if the Avengers and X-Men linked for a dope movie in Marvel’s phase 5.

X-Men vs. Avengers

Are there too many mouths to feed in a movie like that? DID YOU SEE ENDGAME? And with these runtimes of 3+ hour, all you have to do is find the right director and you can make it happen. Some may say the original 2 X-Men movies (we don’t speak on that atrocity known as X3) have already done the great X storylines. What do I say to that, you ask? I got twoooo wordsssss words yaaaa!! Jonathan Hickman.

Hickman is.

Hickman is a name all comic book fans will know and co-sign in a heartbeat. Your average moviegoer won’t have a clue who this mans is, but that’s not the point. Hickman is the man who crafted the framework for the original mega-Avengers movie (Infinity War) when he wrote the Time Runs Out, Secret Wars and Infinity story lines. Hell, he even wrote act 2 of the Avengers vs. X-Men crossover. If you’re wondering what he’s up to now, the answer is simple. Just creating the most ambitious, interconnected, well thought out X-Men story in a hot minute (arguably in decades). Adopt the sovereign nation of Krakoa storyline or get Hickman on board to help write the screenplay and we’ve got ourselves the next billion dollar hit movie.

There are plenty of story lines that you could go with to take this idea to the next level but my suggestion would be to do the actual Civil War storyline where heroes are forced to register with the government. But instead of it being Iron Man vs. Cap (for obvious reasons) you have the gift-wrapped angle of Xavier’s mutants, who have consistently been hunted and persecuted throughout history, refusing to reveal themselves as superpowered individuals and instead demanding exemption as they throw dance party orgies on their exclusive island. This would force the new-look Avengers to come see Professor X about the stance of he and his pupils. The big surprise would be that Black Panther, Thor, and Hulk walk through a portal into Krakoa and would be greeted by Charles, Scott, and Ororo joined by Magneto and Apocolypse. Absolute stunner for the Avengers chairman and Co.

Do it right. Utilize the correct amount of tension. Cast properly. Give the fans canon adaptations for the silver screen that are unique enough to be worthy of the next culminating Marvel movie event.

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