Action Comics #1011 Review

Action Comics #1011 Cover

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis / Artist: Steve Epting / DC Comics

First of all, can someone out there tell me where this cover with characters struggling to lift stone letters comes from? I’ve seen it in a Hulk and a Hercules comic, and I must know. We’re making some progress in discovering what the hell Leviathan is in Action Comics #1011. Last we followed our heroes, Director Bones was eliminated (R.I.P., brother) by someone pretending to be Kate Spencer (The Manhunter). Lois and Clark were posing as Chaz and Andi to get information from the secret organization Spyral. Superman finally gets a close look at the thing (dude? Gender nondescript entity?) that has been nuking secret organizations.

This ride has been fun. I’ve come to accept that the big reveal for stories like these aren’t as fun as the lead up, and this team does lead up well. Bendis and Epting seem to be having a ball pulling from all corners of the DC universe. The clever writing and beautiful art is more than enough to pull me through the characters I have less attachment to (I seriously mourned Director Bones). Then there’s the glee I feel when characters from a personally beloved run show up. We get more Tiger from Spyral this issue and yes, I chortled when Tiger learns of Chaz’s identity as Superman. This issue pushes the story forward with Lois Lane gathering enough information to allow for her to consider writing a story. Superman also puts together some insight into the incidents after taking a blue explosion to the face.

Action Comics #1011 Inside

A fun cameo is had by one of my favorite racially ambiguous heroes, Huntress. Can we take some time to discuss how confusing she is? My first exposure to her was during the Nightwing Spyral stuff when she was super black, curly hair and all. So, the (maybe olive-skinned) wavy haired Huntress before me was a tad confusing. Her main line was funny as hell, though, questioning the Super-family’s decision to leave Amanda Waller in their secret hideout.

Is “Leviathan Rising” coming to fruition and an end? I have no idea. Bendis could keep this going for months, adding nostalgic figures from all over the DC universe. As long as Epting draws the hell out of this comic and Bendis keeps up the pithy dialogue, I’ll likely enjoy it all the way up to the end.

8 “Spare Batman Life Pods” out of 10

Reading Action Comics? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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