writer: Jonathan Hickman /artist: Leinil Francis Yu
Steve Rogers has barreled forward through time since the Original Sin story line began and he’s finally coming home with a new found understanding and mission. Neither of which is very encouraging. The minutia and verbage used in explaining what has happened and what will happen in the future gets a little thick at times, but the bottom line is this: the incursion events or rather the derailing of how the Illuminati handles it has an impact on the fate of how the world unfolds. The Avengers in the “Forever” stage of time think that Rogers going back to the present and confronting the Illuminati will fail the future and seek to keep him trapped there. You can imagine how that turns out.
Even as this issue was largely a set up for the much bigger and inevitable story line that is coming of the Avengers vs The Illuminati, this issue still worked well to get us here without feeling TOO much like a tables setter. Ever since Dr. Strange hit Cap with the “Forget me nots” during the early issues of New Avengers, we’ve known this was coming. And if you read New Avengers, you’d know this is a less than ideal time for them to be confronted.
It often gets overlooked because we assume the biggest titles will get the benefit of the best art, but I would be remiss to not speak on how gorgeous this issue is. The slightly off visual of Captain America in fractured temporal space and the contrast with those he is confronted by is a nice touch of further showing how out of place he is. Always.
Avengers finished off Cap’s travel through time and set the stage for what looks to be a large scale battle with Stark and the rest of the Illuminati. Who knows if it will have real repercussions on the Marvel Universe, but it should be fun to watch.
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