Mera Queen of Atlantis #2 Review

Writer: Dan Abnett / Art: Lan MedinaDC Comics

Loneliness vs Responsibility

Mera Queen of Atlantis is two issues in and they already coming through with the elite symbolism. The mirror images between “earth dwellers” and those of the sea is so melodic. It shows the disparity between those of different worlds, yet the closeness in struggle we don’t recognize. Though a seemingly cliché ideology at first, Mera Queen of Atlantis shows a great example of the battle one may often have within themselves. Loneliness is waking up feeling colder because the extra body on your bed is missing. Yet responsibility, is understanding that though that warmth is missing you still have another mouth to feed, a world to protect. It does not make the situation any easier to digest. At the beginning of the comic readers would notice the empty bed scene once again repeating in Mera’s room.

That is the epitome of womanhood. She has realized her loved one is gone and now she needs to rearrange the pieces so that it doesn’t seem like it.

mera queen of atlantis

What Do I Have To Lose?

One feature to pay attention to in this comic is the use of shadows. Shadows are used as a metaphor to show how incomplete Mera’s life is. At first it may seem that is symbolizes the absence of a male counterpart, which would’ve been disappointing. But the shadows through the comic start to reflect the journey to self-realization among each character. Mera on one hand would struggle with what she lost, and what she is trying to regain. Orm’s shadowing, the conflict between what he has to gain, even though he won so much, and leaving things behind. Even his own family that was gained in his absence. His lady’s empty bed, the son’s questioning. What makes the shadowing beautiful is the understanding of emptiness.

8.1 Sea Shells by The Sea Shore out of 10

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