Writer: David F. Walker / Artist: Sanford Green, Flaviano / Marvel Comics
The ways that Power Man and Iron Fist, under the vigilante eye of Walker subtlety slips into complex and important societal topics is something to witness. You wouldn’t expect this description of a comic book with a hulking man with unbreakable skin and a man with the power to punch through about anything, but this the storytelling is elegant. Danny is in jail after assaulting a police officer and Cage is on the outside, trying to figure out not only how to get his partner back, but unravel the mystery of these vigilantes hunting “assumed criminals.” There are plenty of parts that move the story forward, like Danny’s mission in jail and Cage with his team of techies trying to crack the technology the vigilantes left behind. But what will stand out to me in this issue is the tenderness of a few scenes: specifically between Misty Knight and Danny, then between Cage and Jessica. Both are handled with care and muted emotions that work well for the environment and inform about the tone of these characters than anything over the top would. The book progresses well, ending with an unexpected (for me anyway) turn back towards the Civil War conflict, that should make the next issue pretty interesting.
What stood out in the art for me this month was the use of color and tone, especially contrasting Danny and Luke. Danny is in jail, but believes in his mission, most of the issue basked in brighter shades. Whereas Cage, who is free, but stressed, is often seen in shadows and dark room. It’s a great juxtaposition of the two and their present mind-state.
Power Man and Iron Fist continues to be one of Marvel’s most consistent books along with being a complicated and nuanced read. This issue managed to move things forward and set up some possible big stuff to go down next issue, which is always a good combination.
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