A Short Love Story: One Woman’s Journey to a PS4 and Final Fantasy XV

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What words can I use to describe this love? None exist. Any attempts would be insulting to the majestic-ness of this console. I understand that new gaming systems pop up all the time; ones that are faster, flashier, more tech-ed out. But once you know, you know: and I knew the moment Square Enix got their shit together with their latest Final Fantasy XV game, that this 500 GB piece of hardware was the only true way for me.


This journey was a perilous one. The uncertainty, the financial head scratch, the beauty and the ephemeral essence that permeates from this machine, everything had to be taken into consideration before I made the final plunge to purchase it. When I finally did, and I was able to sit down and unmask this gorgeous piece of art, all I could think was how blessed I was to be able to be living in a world that could grant me such vivid graphics for under $400.

Honestly, I only really considered buying the PS4 for FFXV. I had waited a damn near DECADE for another great Final Fantasy game. The wait was worth it. The storyline, the CHARACTERS (omg these 4 precious cuties), the graphics, the battle system, the music, the little nods to the other Final Fantasy games, just everything. If you’re looking to get into Final Fantasy, and you’re not feeling FF7-FF9, I HIGHLY recommend grabbing XV. I doubt you’ll be disappointed, and the easy mode of the game is well, pretty freaking simple to play through.

I’d like to thank Sony for this masterpiece. While I know it can’t last, I hope that this burning passion I have for this system and for XV never fades. If it does, I hope the memories keep warm for a lifetime.


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  • Oona Sura is a cosplay enthusiast with an appreciation for Framboise Lambic, Haruki Murakami, and cats. Catch her at the next anime convention on the East Coast!

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