writer: Rick Remender / artist: Andy Kubert
Well, it’s a few months later and yeah, Axis is still here. If that opening sentence sounded like a complete drag, that’s because it was meant to. It may not be the kind of sentiment this review needs but it’s the one this book deserves. At first, this book was so “meh”, I couldn’t decide whether or not it was actually bad. Then, the plot just devolved into something that I imagine kindergarten children would make up on the fly in some kind of round robin storytelling game.
Well, the war between the inverted heroes has gotten as nonsensical as humanly possible. When we left off, the inverted X-Men had grown so tired of the inverted Avengers, they decided to cut out the middleman and create a gene bomb that will wipe out all non mutant life on Earth. In other words, the evil X-Men are so out of ideas, they’ve resorted to rehashing the plot from X-Men 2. So, now humanity’s only hope is Spider-Man and a crew of inverted villains swooping into put an end to this fighting and stopping the bomb. In fairness, this issue isn’t as bad as its predecessors have been. The big upside here is that there’s a lot of cool fighting to distract from Rick Remender’s ridiculous plot. Yes, you heard me. The mastermind behind Black Science and Low brought us this jalopy of a crossover event. Let that sink in. Also, there’s a lot of Deadpool talking. A LOT.
I realize that talking and annoying the other characters to death is his whole thing….but for fuck’s sake, I don’t think he’s supposed to annoy the reader, too. Granted, the inverted Deadpool is hilarious but he just shouldn’t be taking up all the air in so much of a book that has such a huge cast. Andy Kubert is back on pencils and apparently his time away from the book has done him some good….but only some. Even though the majority of the action beats look pretty good, there are some moments where poses are strange or halfhearted and it’s difficult to tell what’s going on exactly. Of course, there are also some really awesome scenes that deserve mention. The Scarlet Witch hasn’t looked so ominous and scary in years.
Bottom Line: It’s better than it’s been the past couple of issues. But it still sucks. 6.5 out of 10.
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