Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #8 Review

writer: Rick Remender / artist: Leinil Francis Yu

To say that the AXIS storyline is getting better towards the end is to say that Godfather III has some redeeming moments in its third act. At BNP, we’ve made our feelings pretty plain about how we feel about this crossover with each review, but I will say that I enjoyed this specific issue more than the rest, even if I did roll my eyes enough to give myself a concussion at times. It’s possibly aided by the fact that we are in the mostly combat portion of the conflict and there are much less conversations that highlight good guys being assholes than previously we previously saw.

Another reason might be that Yu has been on the pencils of late and dude could make my walk from the parking lot into my job look epic. He really is one of the very best and automatically elevates most books that he works on.

My favorite part, probably of the series, was the exchange between Carnage and Spider-Man at the beginning as they figure out how to stop the Gene Bomb. It’s surprising and heartfelt and still true to the characters involved. It’s also not a coincidence that Spider-Man continues to be involved in the best moments of this series.

AXIS hits its penultimate issue and while the issues of the premise still plague this book, this is one of the more enjoyable issues nonetheless.


  • William is the Editor-In-Chief, leader of the Black Knights and father of the Avatar. With Korra's attitude, not the other one.

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