Writer: Mariko Tamaki / Artist: Georges Duarte / Marvel Comics
Jen Walters wastes no time in getting herself involved in the Food-Network-gate fiasco from issue #7. Jen and her assistant, also a fan of the cooking show but for different reasons, dig into some research. After a visit to the set, they narrow down the names of the crew that were on-site, to get clues into how the host’s monster transformation occurred. Tamaki gives us a good look at the detail that goes into Walter’s legal work while at the same time showing just how capable her assistant is.
The opening segment for this issue is by far my favorite. This unfortunate monster transformation of the cooking show’s host occurred online for all to see and yet the biggest concern from a majority of the viewers is if it was real or special effects. I found that to be am excellent social commentary. Durante’s art was really vivid in visualizing the vileness of the monster transformations and the side effects of the drug the people were exposed to. There’s also a great scene of Walters talking to herself before taking steps towards inducing her Hulk transformation. That scene was cold as fuck.
Overall, Walters is back in the hero game and entering a scenario than she knows headfirst. Where this street drug will lead to remains to be seen for this story arc. However, this creative team is keeping the readers at attention.
Reading Hulk? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.
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