Writer: Brian Michael Bendis / Artist: Stefano Caselli / Marvel Comics
Through six issues of watching Ironheart take off, the very enjoyable book actually gave us something new for our protagonist. Failure. Riri has proven resilient in a number of situations, but we haven’t flat out seen her in over her head completely yet without an exit strategy. It’s a welcome curve ball and even more avenues to develop our hero as she deals with an adversary. It’s also nice to see the other characters becoming a legit support group for Riri, though it wouldn’t hurt to see some POC in those roles besides her mother…cough… Nevertheless, this was a pretty good issue with a nice cliffhanger as well that connects Riri to another important part of the world for anyone rocking power armor in the Marvel Universe.
Also of note, I loved the flip in the narrative at the opening of this issue. It’s an efficient way of exposition and catching us up on Riri while giving another character(s) some shine that will pay off later.
Stefano is on point again this month, with a few minor issues here and there. I still love his pencils on Riri, the other main characters, and the action is always top notch. His characterization with some other characters not specifically central to the plot, don’t have the same execution as the characters we see the most.
If you have loved Riri this point, then this point of her hero’s quest will only strengthen that. Outside of a few inconsistencies with the art, this is another strong issue of building up a hero with some serious staying power.
Reading Invincible Iron Man? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.
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