Writer: Ed Brisson / Artist: Dalibor Talajic / Marvel Comics
I was rough on the last issue of Old Man Logan. The art was unimpressive and it turned into an uninteresting, conspiratorial story. This was particularly disappointing since the crossover was with a story that is interesting, exciting, and well done. The next issue of Old Man Logan showed little difference from the first of this arc except for one, specific element. Wager a guess? Bullseye.
Ed Brisson writes, with art by Dalibor Talajic the second part of the Moving Target story in Old Man Logan #37. Logan reaches out to Kingpin’s biographer to learn more about the mystery disk drive that supposedly has information to bring Kingpin down. He exchanges some quippy dialogue with her and their off to make sense of the data. That’s when BOOM, Bullseye shows up. I criticized the last book for being a B-list action/ thriller. This week’s book wasn’t much different except for if you add a big name actor as the villain. Throw David Tennant as Purple Man into a story and you get a Super Saiyan level boost to awesomeness. That was my my experience reading the 37th issue of this comic and having Bullseye show up as the main antagonist. He’s a sociopath who expertly uses random objects lying around as deadly weapons. I’m suddenly engrossed into this story. Seems like a mass murderer using bottle caps will do that to a reader.
I still must be relatively objective. This story is not particularly compelling and the art is not impressive. Talajic does some interesting things with shadow every once in a while but I still get shook by panels with completely white or black background in a manner that makes me feel like he was just too lazy to make a background. I’ll give Ed Brisson props, though. Even before Bullseye came into the picture the back and forth between Logan and Sarah was fun and interesting to read. I’m still looking at this book with a cautious eye but I’m sticking with it.
7 Deadly Bottle Caps out of 10
Reading Old Man Logan? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.
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