Original Sin #6 Review

writer: Jason Aaron / artist: Mike Deodato

Okay…I might be tapped out. I tried y’all, I really did. Remember when I said last month that you really needed to be invested in Nick Fury to enjoy that issue. Well, I didn’t realize you would need to be so invested in Nick Fury to enjoy everything moving forward for this book. But ya do. I guess I’m not. For this revelation (sort of) to come about like this with all the running around is quite the letdown. Not only have the individual crews been running around chasing their tails, but the readers have been too. I wouldn’t have minded so much but the ride just hasn’t been worth it and if the next couple of issues are really the might of the world against one feeble old man “that’s been killing huge beasts for years,” I might be good on all that.

Having said all that, if you’re coming to this book for whatever your reasons may be, then stay for the interactions between the heroes and the art. This book’s best moments have always been about the character movements and dialogue (most of the time). Aaron does nail the personal quirks of each hero, even if the story itself doesn’t carry the same billing. Deodato’s art has been well done throughout this books run, capturing action and dialogue well, in addition to spectacular character work. Just wish it was enough.

Original Sin has been a test of patience and this is no different. With only two more issues left in this series (with a ton of crossover issues in other runs), we can hope we finish with a couple of great issues that elevate the rest of the series. Well, we can hope at least.


  • William is the Editor-In-Chief, leader of the Black Knights and father of the Avatar. With Korra's attitude, not the other one.

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