Raising Dion started off as a comic with a very straightforward and relatable premise. A single African-American mother raising a young king in today’s world. An understandable approach when telling a story about a black family in recent history. The only thing is, it didn’t start off that way.
Our main character, Nicole Reese fell in love with Mark Warren 7 years ago. Mark was a top engineer at Biona who was working on world changing, groundbreaking research to slow human metabolism, innovate minimal sleep, and plenty of other geeky enhancements to the body. Nicole soon had Dion, but Mark passes away. Now it’s all on her to raise the boy and help him learn to control his manifesting and constantly changing powers that include invisibility, telekinesis, energy blasts and a bevy of others that make the classic single parent story seem like child’s play.
The comic has a complimentary short film which is absolutely must watch material. The footage you find there can act as your beacon for what is to come in the 10 episode series that will feature Micheal B. Jordan as Mark Warren, the dashing and successful young man that Nicole fell in love with. The unique thing about this story is that it will only be able to feature the superstar actor for so long. There is but so much you can do with backstory, which means we should be getting plenty of mother and son melanin and cocoa butter to sink our depraved teeth into.
Dennis Liu, is the Taiwanese-American man who created Raising Dion and directed the short film. He will also be at the helm for the first episode. Netflix, you just keep coming with the diversified hits and for that, we thank you.
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