Writer: Rainbow Rowell / Artist: Kris Anka / Marvel Comics
Rainbow Rowell keeps the comedic momentum going in the newest issue of Runaways. After that hilarious interaction between Chase and Doom Bot, there’s nothing you can do but come with the One Direction break-up jokes, melodramatic teen angst, Ninja Gaiden difficulty bars and threats against senior citizens.
I’m so glad this Runaways story is finally in full swing. There’s an infinite number of possibilities that come with attitude-having teens, all-powerful witches and prehistoric creatures. We’re blessed with another phenomenal cameo on issue #10. It gives a solid reason for Abigail’s bold claims, Molly’s current conundrum and Julie’s dire situation; all stemming from the pressing question of “where the hell did that fountain cupcake of youth come from?!” This issue doesn’t hit you with too many twists. Instead, Molly has to deal with the fallout of her secrets, and the sad realization she may not know who her Best Friend Forever really is. Julie big mad at her childish transformation, so she hittin’ Karolina and Molly with the vocal work. She out here snitchin’ to The Avengers and everything! Only one way to fix this problem…head straight to the source.
It’s 3 Runaways ridin’ front, 3 Runaways ridin’ back. That 6 kids and a dino powered up ‘n strapped in Grandpa’s Cadillac! The squad rolled up to Abigail’s crib like somebody’s parole officer. They hit Mom and Pops with the ‘Get down or lay down’ line, then slide into Abigail’s room on some savage shit. They was like the Feds raiding ya homie’s crib lookin’ for a dime bag. They on their Will Smith in I Am Legend flow, searching for the young forever cure by all means. Abigail lookin’ at these mufuckas like, “I want all the smoke. Molly, you ain’t with the teenage eternity dream? Bet. Ya whole team bout to catch these hands.” Gert? Bodied with ease. Chase? Beat down with an umbrella Jackie Chan grabbing-anything-in-sight style. Maaannnn Abigail been out here training like Michael B. Jordan for Creed II. She on her 5 beats a day for 50 summers flow! You don’t want nooooonnneeeee!!!
This was a really entertaining issue of Runaways and Kris “The Facial Expression Gawd’ Anka is such a huge reason for that! No matter what the topic is, or how ridiculous the conversation gets, the man knows precisely how each and every character should be reacting. The eyebrow raises, contorted mouths, pride filled triumphs and feelings of sheer heartbreak are evident in all of his work. It’s quite remarkable. Of course, he is working off the incredible story that Rainbow Rowell has bestowed upon us. Where can Runaways go wrong right now?
7.5 Asguardian Spells out of 10
Reading Runaways? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.
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