‘Suicide Squad ISEKAI’ is Funny, Chaotic, Messy, and I Want More

First Impressions/Recap of this Animated Lovechild of DC Baddies and Anime

When I was putting together BNP’s Anime Summer 2024 Season Preview, I KNEW that I wanted to cover Suicide Squad ISEKAI. All I really knew that the anime series was airing June 27th on the MAX and Hulu streaming platforms and that “Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface, and King Shark sent to ISEKAI!? (a.k.a Another World) Brace yourselves for the pulse-pounding saga of the elite task force known as the “Suicide Squad” as they embark on a jaw-dropping adventure!” All I knew was to expect C-H-A-O-S and that I knew that I was tuning in!

Spoilers Big and Small Follow Below, Be Warned!


Episode 1: The Suicide Squad films (2016) and (2021) have had some success, and someone cooked up this chaotic idea of seeing the team…*checks notes* to another world via ISEKAI style? One of the strangest trailers we looked at and dissected in the Black Nerd Problems discord, for sure. What we do know is that Harley, thee Harley Quinn (ANNA NAGASE), Gotham City’s Mistress of Mayhem–gets separated from her baddie lover Joker (YUUICHIRO UMEHARA) –which I’m always a fan of–I’m biased cause Harley Quinn is such a great show– and snatched up after a short duel with Katana (CHIKA ANZAI). 

Imprisoned and then thrown together on an aircraft with other villainous weirdos and misfits, she’s told about being placed on a special team by the unshakeable Amanda Waller (KUJIRA). Waller has been doing what she does behind the scenes and none of it looks good–Harley, Deadshot (REIGO YAMAGUCHI), Peacemaker (TAKEHITO KOYASU), Clayface (JUN FUKUYAMA), and lastly King Shark (SUBARU KIMURA) find themselves in another world–one with orcs, dragons, and magic and set to work in defending themselves! As for first episodes, this one is a fun introduction into the mashup of DC super villains and the Isekai genre from the realm of anime.

Episode 2: More world-building starts to fan out in this second episode of Suicide Squad ISEKAI and not only do we get to see glimpses of the governing monarchy in place but also a few of the major players in place that have thoughts about the still newly formed Suicide Squad’s entrance into this world. This episode also delightfully plays up the tropes for the Isekai genre, movie plots, and prison breaks–the audience get to see more of the team harping on each other and working together as a team. A lucky encounter with agent Rick Flag (TAKUYASHIRO) who was also imprisoned gives the squad new information and a guide to get them to the checkout point to keep the bombs in their neck from exploding, implanted by Waller’s staff.

I think what is really important here in this second episode is the realization that as much as this fantasy world is different from the world the squad is from (magic staffs and other weapons, orcs and other creatures, etc)–it is also similar to the “real world.” Here a leader isn’t listening to their council on the best ways to rule and solve problems plaguing the people. Eagle eyed- individuals see solutions in the way of possibly using some unique set pieces on the ever-evolving chess board. The squad comes to terms that they’ll have to make their own way unless they want to leave their fate in the hands of others which will probably spell their doom. Once again, this episode pops with a flashy, hilarious ending.

Episode 3: Suicide Squad ISEKAI‘s third episode has no reason to be so damn funny. The obvious language barrier and an attempt to translate on the behalf of the team makes for extremely amusing fun and downright hysterical scenes which makes the first half of the episode stand out in all the best ways. Playing up the quick fix of ‘all us speaking the same language’ and ‘taking on the task of the monarchy’ tropes found in Isekai finally moves the narrative along to get the squad suited up and back into action. Some observations by different members conclude someone is up to no good; another villain from the real world is behind the scenes manipulating at least some of the forces wrecking havoc.

Just as things were settling down to more serious matters, the funny is punched back up into overdrive in the later second half of the third episode of Suicide Squad ISEKAI. One of the Suicide Squad’s members realizes that they are meeting up with an old acquaintance and the tragically funny flashbacks will remind audiences why this show is rated TV- MA for a reason. This is the episode that convinced me that I wanted to watch more! I’m glad that the streaming platform released these three episodes together at the launch of the series this weekend. Audiences know for certain what they’ve watched, and they’ll feel compelled to think about whether they’ll watch more or it or pass.


Episode 1: An absolute minor thing when it comes to Harley’s character design and it is absolutely silly in retrospect as I love the rest of her anime inspired version in Suicide Squad ISEKAI. How Harley’s hair is combed up into her pigtails on the back of her head–it looks like the divided sections of a volleyball, and it is hella distracting. That is the tweet. That is the post. I had to get it off my chest and tell somebody.

Episode 2: I’m waiting for Clayface’s character to find his groove in the team–look, I know the Suicide Squad’s a bunch of weirdos. YET, I am waiting to see if he’s less of an oddball–and that’s saying A LOT, given his peers and more of a character that I want to root for? I was first introduced to Clayface’s character back in the 90’s thanks to Batman:The Animated Series. And while I know that is only one version of the character–years ago, I’m not sure if this version meshes well with the team, TBH. I have to admit I’m not just sold on the character in this line-up, yet. Yes, he was in the Harley Quinn animated show so he’s not a stranger. And yes, I was making Muzan (Demon Slayer) comparisons jokes from the first time I saw the trailer.

Episode 3: I got nothing much. Some of the animation sequences in the second half were a little rough, yet I felt that greatly helped with the storytelling of the relationship of the two characters and their previous misunderstandings.


Episode 1: Suicide Squad ISEKAI does such a great job slowly releasing the chaotic nature of not just Harley and the team, the very nature of the world that they find themselves in but also Amanda Waller’s vision. The fight scenes are wildly entertaining and smooth throughout the episode–and the big battle upon entering the new world showcase the newly formed team’s personalities and talents perfectly. I did not know that I needed the anime version of Amanda Waller in my life and low and behold: that is what 2024 has gifted us! (This is a new original anime from DC Japan and Wit Studio (SPY×FAMILY CODE: White) Will I ever look at her the same thanks to this ending animation sequence of the series? Probably…also no yet I got to say I don’t hate it!

Episode 2: Just when I thought the squad’s time in prison (in another world, mind you) was dragging on: their glorious prison break does not disappoint and leads to a colorful, chaotic, funny time on their way out! The dance number was unexpected and well worth waiting for towards the end. This second episode of Suicide Squad ISEKAI really starts to show audiences the messy comradery of the squad as they start to make some sense of where they are now. I am really starting to appreciate the bizarre fantasy adventure we’ve got on our hands.

Episode 3: This third episode of Suicide Squad ISEKAI bounces back from serious to funny and decorum to riot a lot more smoothly and the squad makes leeway with their standing in this new world. This third episode also brings some answers on small things hinted upon from the first two episodes that better tie together small events we witnessed and may have been curious about. I also think I’ve started to figure out how Clayface works better in the show: we need him as a better balanced with others on the squad and on the show. He obviously is the exposition guy: the one responsible for pointing out the rules of Isekai and story structure and the like. YET, he can be heavy handed like he was in episode two which dragged the story for me. Seeing other characters of the squad shine this episode meant less of him and more of them all mostly working together with revived vigor.


Overall, Suicide Squad ISEKAI is a super funny, chaotic, colorful animated lovechild of some favorite DC baddies and the realm of anime via the Isekai genre. The series starts to really mesh together with the addition of the third episode to make this a series that I want to keep watching. Obviously not for the kids, this anime series is quick to remind viewers of that with its spots of violence, blood, and gore.

There’s enough of a lure at the end of each episode that we’ve been given to suggest there is more mystery and fantasy adventure to watch and more humor on the darker side to share a laugh at. From the announcement of and first trailer, we knew that Suicide Squad ISEKAI was going to be an oddball of the summer anime season, yet no one was expecting it to be just a stunning, messy, solid series off the bat. I knew that I’ve been tuning in and now I know that I’ll definitely be watching more once more episodes drop.

♡Premiered June 27♡ Max & Hulu

•United States: Max & Hulu


•France: ADN

•Southeast Asia, Taiwan & Hong Kong: HBO GO

Please find areas outside of Max availability and local platforms on the official website: https://suicidesquad-isekai.com/

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  • Carrie McClain is writer, editor and media scholar. Other times she's known as a Starfleet Communications Officer, Comics Auntie, and Golden Saucer Frequenter. Nowadays you can usually find her avoiding Truck-kun and forgetting her magical girl transformation device. She/Her

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