Writer: Sean Ryan / Artist: Jamal Campbell / Marvel Comics
I’m really hoping this series isn’t just a side mission for the Clone Conspiracy Spider-Man event. We get juxtaposed with Hobie and Peter meeting up and Hobie coming to Peter’s aide; Ryan then takes us back a few hours to see how former Spider-Woman Julia Carpenter helped Hobie reach his meds before going around the New-U compound to investigate. Julia runs into Madam Web and gets a very cryptic message about saving Hobie Brown.
Jamal Campbell comes through with the art, per usual. He draws a deteriorating Hobie that looks like Naruto going into four tails mode. Campbell shines in close ups of Hobie and Julia, each showing their conviction through key facial expressions at high points in this issue.
This issue was the only one that felt like it would be beneficial for the reader to take a look at the latest clone event to get the whole picture of what’s happening. There’s a moment after Hobie helps Spider-Man that seems fucked up on Peter’s part, even with Hobie’s explanation. Again, I’m really hoping there’s more for Hobie outside of Spider-Man’s adventure once this is all over. I’m really wanting to see more of Hobie on his own escapades. Hobie almost feels as if he’s in a sandbox video game and we’re trying to go outside the boundaries.
Ryan continues to do god’s work with his interior monologue of Hobie, as well as the callback to his opening monologue being repeated under different circumstances in the end; it’s one of the most unique devices I’ve ever seen in a comic. Along with Campbell, this team is doing well at character building. Here’s hoping this isn’t their last book together.
Reading The Prowler? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.
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