Black Science #15 Review

writer: Rick Remender / artist: Matteo Scalera / Image Comics

Black Science continues to be the most adrenaline-fueled comic book that still somehow manages to pace itself out to some wonderful storytelling. Grant left off last issue ready to embrace more than just his ego by trying to cure the city they currently inhabit while the rest of the crew repairs the Pillar for the next jump. While the action is always good in Black Science, what’s remarkable are the unique ways it shows its action. Whether it’s Grant running through a forest, the crew riding some crazy dinosaur hybrid beast or on a chariot, or in this issue, via jetpack, the issue is always in a state of motion. The intensity never dies down and we’re always one small misstep away from interrupting a well structured and informative monologue.

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Grant gets the hero’s quest here (as is his default), but the most important stuff happens with everyone else, namely in how they try to fix the Pillar and who exactly objects to that. There’s a couple of big moments near the end of this book that I don’t want to spoil, but both of them seem to be pretty game changing and will likely alter the dynamic for the crew and the narrative moving forward.

I don’t really know what else to say about Scalera at this point, you can probably copy and paste the third paragraph from all the previous reviews. Dude is a wizard and perfect for this book. The frantic and controlled chaos works for a book whose narrative always feels like it’s on the brink of imploding. This is kind of what comic books are all about and Black Science proves that every month.

Another compelling installment with huge consequences for this book. Everything is still working, with that added intensity that the options seem to be getting fewer and fewer for the crew.


  • William is the Editor-In-Chief, leader of the Black Knights and father of the Avatar. With Korra's attitude, not the other one.

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