Writer: Brian Wood / Artist: Mack Chater / Dark Horse Comics

Briggs Land is an odd part of my monthly rotation. Don’t get me wrong… I’m not complaining. It’s a dope book. It’s just I never thought I’d be so invested in a crime family drama about a woman trying to get her neo-Nazi family out of organized crime. I mean, I am not exaggerating when I says these are terrible people. Calling this family a basket of deplorables is sort of letting them off the hook.

Issue #5 comes at a point where we see things have escalated in the war between the Briggs and Hillsons. Honestly, I was expecting this pot to boil over in a vastly different direction than it did but Brian Wood’s style of storytelling made for a perfect fake-out that promises new problems for this ever-tangled alt-right web of deception. The suspense and tension is so intimate and cinematic, there’s no way this story doesn’t make it to television. Mack Chater’s artwork is mostly on point this time around except for the couple of panels where faces look just a little too indistinct and unfinished… especially when we know we’re probably going to see a few of those characters again down the road. The best looking scenes, however, come from the moments where Grace is out in the woods, getting in touch with nature.


Bottom Line: It’s a wonder and a disappointment that nobody is talking about this book because it should absolutely be considered one of the best reasons to come to your LCS. This issue isn’t the outright best so far but it definitely still makes the case for this series.

8 Polite Suggestions to Move Out of The Neighborhood out of 10

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