Convergence: Superman #2 Review

writer & artist: Dan Jurgens / DC Comics

While war is raging across time and space and eras, the Superman book for Convergence is actually a sweet and heartfelt tale with some ass-kicking tossed in. It begins where it left off, as Superman fights off three formidable “heroes” from the Flashpoint Universe single-handedly. Well, not exactly if you count Jimmy Olson flying a car that must handle like a school bus the way he’s tramping around. While Superman is fighting off the might of that dimension, his Kryptonian counterpart is kidnapping his pregnant bae, Lois Lane. That all, dare I say, converges into one storyline by the end and ends on a pretty upbeat note.

For me the best part of this installment was characterization of Thomas Wayne, who became Flashpoint’s Batman after watching his son be gunned down in an alley many years ago. Thomas Wayne is a pretty dark Batman, even as far as Batmans go. He is ruthless and has no problems killing his enemies, but we might see some humanity restored to him at the sight of a pregnant Lois Lane and Superman’s quest to save her. In a pretty efficient manner, Thomas Wayne tells his personal epilogue to the Flashpoint storyline and how his memories of Barry Allen help his decision making in this moment. It is poignant and affecting and makes me hope we haven’t seen the last of him.

While pulling double duty, I’ll also say that Jurgens draws a damn good book. While giving the “Pre New-52 feel”, the book is drawn extremely well and clean. It also makes you nostalgic for the old-school Superman look and costume. Some things don’t benefit from being modernized, ya know?

In a nice two-part arc, Convergence: Superman seems to wrap on a pretty high note. Comics don’t get a lot of happy endings these days, so this book was very, very welcome.


  • William is the Editor-In-Chief, leader of the Black Knights and father of the Avatar. With Korra's attitude, not the other one.

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