Editor’s note: Shasam has appeared as a feature on Cosplay Corner before for her Two-Face cosplay, so please enjoy this entry as she shares more of her work and talks with Monica about the experience.

The internet is one hell of a place. You find the most amazing people online. As I was browsing through various cosplay pages, I stumbled upon the amazing Shasam Cosplay. She has a gorgeous Princess Serenity cosplay from the anime, Sailor Moon. I reached out to this Barbados-based cosplayer and was honored with a chance to interview her via email. Please enjoy!

Age: 25
Favorite Color: Blue
Desired super-power: Super Speed

Black Nerd Problems: Please tell us a little bit about yourself!

Shasam: I am a Social Media Consultant and the owner of Shaz’s Bits and Shasam Entertainment. I am also studying Garment Technology, Culinary Arts and Animation.

akasha (1)

BNP: What (outer influences) do you allow to define you?

Shasam: Well, no outer influences define me but I am influenced by fellow entrepreneurs and artists. I am in love with local artists Testament Abbott, Rivenis Black and Kevon Hall, their work is brilliant. Local authors like Knicky Abbott, Karen Lord and Omar Kennedy who are serial entrepreneurs inspire me to be like them or greater.

BNP: What random acts of kindness and beauty have you seen or done in the cosplay community?

Shasam: My cosplay idol, Meagan Marie, came to AnimeKon last year and sold her prints. The money she made went to a charity.

BNP: What are some negative interactions you have personally had in the cosplay/convention community and how did you overcome them?

Shasam: At our local convention AnimeKon I didn’t have any negative interactions with anyone. We are a close family here in Barbados and we try to grow together. We learn from each other and cheer each other on.

two face

I have only received negative comments from people that live across the world from me. They would message me and say that the character isn’t supposed to be black, I am ugly, I ruined it etc. It shocks me at first because Barbados has mostly blacks so it is very rare for someone to make a racist statement here. I would laugh after and say “trophy unlocked, pissed off someone in _____” and go on with my life. Anger and hate are poisons that consume you, they make you bitter and I refuse to be consumed by them because someone else has issues.

BNP: What are some of your favorite cosplays? Do you create your own? What are the processes like?

Shasam: I enjoyed making my Princess Serenity cosplay; I always wanted to be Sailor Moon so no matter what costume I make after this will always be my favorite. The only costume I didn’t make myself was my Two-Face costume. It was my first cosplay and I didn’t own a sewing machine at the time. I try my best to make my own costumes because it challenges me as an artist. Since I started my Garment course I have grown so much as a cosplayer, if I told myself in 2012 that I would’ve made my Serenity costume I would’ve laughed at myself.

My process when selecting a cosplay would be me loving the character first. I love pattern drafting so I would draw patterns for costumes and just save them for later. The office would be full of papers most days and if I can’t find the pattern I want, pandemonium lol.

BNP: What celebrity would you want to cook breakfast with and why?

Shasam: Will Smith because hopefully that meant that he spent the night over lol.


Photo Credit:

Princess Serenity
Signature Photography
Makeup: Enhancing Beauty

Akasha, Sheva Alomar, Two-Face
Andrew Browne Photography
Makeup: Mandy Cummins

Find Shasam on Facebook.


  • Oona Sura is a cosplay enthusiast with an appreciation for Framboise Lambic, Haruki Murakami, and cats. Catch her at the next anime convention on the East Coast!

  • Show Comments

  • Lena

    So nice to see local cosplayers get international exposure :3!

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