Writer: Robert Venditti / Artist: Ethan Van Sciver / DC Comics
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps is turning into that biweekly book that plays with my emotions every week. Robert Venditti has built up so much character development and mythos on a house of cards and he seems to be having a blast pulling the bottom out and watching it all fall down. This book has been mostly good but it is about to get serious.
Issue #24 sees the tension between the Green Lantern and Sinestro Corps coming to an irreversible head. There’s no coming back from this point and Venditti lets all of this drama unfold like a cartoon snowball down the hill that’s just going to run over everything eventually. I haven’t really even cared for the Soranik storyline that much but the explosive payoff was well worth it. The idea that there’s a little bit of Sinestro in Soranik no matter what she does or how high her morals are is a wonderfully psychotic little concept to play with. The suspense of whether or not John Stewart will be able to maintain the ethical standard he’s established in the face of turmoil and chaos is immensely intriguing. This is the kind of conflict that is the true test of a leader, so I’m excited to see how he comes out on the other side.
Ethan Van Sciver didn’t do such a horrible job this week, but honestly, his artwork clears that bar by just not being a complete train wreck. Still, it wasn’t as good as last week’s complete departure from his usual misshapen Isle of Dr. Moreau characters. Even with that in mind, it’s nice that there some degree of consistency involved in the visuals from week to week lately.
Bottom Line: Venditti is still killing it, y’all. This is the kind of tension the Green Lantern books had been missing for a while. I’m excited to see how this leads up to the upcoming New Gods storyline.
Reading Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.
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