Writer: Mariko Tamaki / Artist: Nico Leon / Marvel Comics

Yo, Jen Walters is done playing around with y’all. Jen didn’t come here for the bullshit, man. We start this issue off with Jen flashing back to worrying about Bruce Banner working so hard all the time. I like this flashback as it becomes foreshadowing for what’s to come. Leon draws a very smooth, attractive, and iconic Jen Walters in her She-Hulk form that we’ve all come to know and love. The contrast between then and now becomes a very wide gap as Walters faces off against this monster that’s been “protecting” her client Maise as well as the other tenants of her apartment building. This monster feeds on fear and is going toe to toe with Walters trying to entrap her before biting off more than it could fuck with.

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Leon gives us a vastly primal Jen Walters in this Grey Hulk form. Note the glowing green scars across her face and body as well. We ain’t ever seen Jen hunched over and letting loose like this on her apex predator shit. Even when she hulked out back in Avengers Disassembled and tore the possessed Vision a new one. Walters was just pissed then, here we see all the manifestation of her trauma and all the shit she been holding inside. Tamaki scripts out a great inner dialogue for Walters as her voice of optimism goes mute and the reality of her situation hits her. We can also note an extreme difference when she speaks in her Grey Hulk form as well.

We get a pretty good fight through this issue with a resolution that is kinda fucked up to an extent. We’re one arc down with an unsure path of the direction Walters will be headed in next. Hopefully, we’ll be exploring more of the Grey Hulk form as well as perhaps seeing Walters converse with this form on a subconscious level.

8 You-Know-You-Done-Fucked-Up-Now’s out of 10

Reading Hulk? Find BNP’s other reviews of the series here.

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  • Omar Holmon is a content editor that is here to make .gifs, obscure references, and find the correlation between everything Black and Nerdy.

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