Justice League #7 Review

Writer: Snyder / Artist: Cheung / DC Comics

The finale of the first arc of Scott Snyder’s Justice League is upon us. After issue six, the pressure mounting for the Justice League could pop every pimple that has ever existed. And in this issue, the League throws a last-ditch Hail Mary to keep the Legion of Doom from obtaining the secrets of the Totality.

The journey to this showdown has been solid so far. The rising tension and building suspense elevated a good story to a great one, but this final issue left a bit to be desired. It was still good, don’t get me wrong. But those burning questions we all have will have to wait a bit longer before they’re answered.

Nonetheless, there are still a lot of highs to deconstruct.
Justice League #7 interior

My favorite one, in particular, was the use of circular design, as moments that came up in issue one were revisited after the conflict was resolved. My favorite instance of this technique was within a running joke centered around the Justice League’s “Batman Voice”. Back in issue one, when the League was kicking some low-stakes ass, Snyder used the scene to explore the team’s chemistry by having each member try to do their best Batman impression. This was conveyed on the page by using different fonts. It was a scene that authentically painted this team as a family, not just a collection of super-powered folks. The one person who wouldn’t/didn’t reveal their own imitation was Superman, probably out of respect for his relationship with Bruce. But in this issue, as the conflict was resolved and the League averted a universe ending event, Superman finally delivers his take on the Caped Crusader, which reels the team back in from the mind-altering, trauma-inducing craziness they just dealt with. It was a great diffuser for all of the madness and gave us something we didn’t know we wanted.

Another one of my favorite moments involved Batman in a different capacity. Remember when he caught Lex Luthor’s billionaire hands last issue? When his legs were twisted in the wrong direction? Well this issue, he’s more or less useless, brooding in the back of panels in what I assume is some high-tech suit for accelerated healing. Every time I saw him, I cracked up. But I also appreciated it, because it’s a testament of the consistency at every level that this team is bringing us.

Other than some craft and humor, we got some dope video game level one-on-one matchups. John Stewart Vs. Sinestro, Hawkgirl Vs. Lex Luthor, and Superman Vs… a planet?!

Though it left some things to be desired, the finale of Justice League’s first arc undoubtedly planted seeds that will blossom into the most vicious venus fly trap of misfortune. And they ain’t ready.

8.5 Frozen Flashes out of 10

Reading Justice League? Find BNP’s other reviews here.

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  • Morgan Hampton

    Staff Writer

    Morgan Hampton is a writer--OH MY GOD I CAN ACTUALLY SAY THAT NOW. *ahem* Excuse me, sorry for that outburst. As I was saying, Morgan Hampton is a writer currently living in San Francisco with an obsession for all things nerd (except Medieval stuff. Get outta here with that mess), and a passion to represent the underrepresented. He's an aspiring comic book writer so catch him in the funny pages some time before the apocalypse. He holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from SFSU so he's broke.

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