Kate’s Cat Robot from Image Comics’ “Shutter”
First off I do love cats. I can blame the internet for that. But truthfully, anime and manga had a big role in that too.
Robots are pretty dope too. (You know, as long as they aren’t conspiring to kill us secretly one day). When I first picked up issue one of “Shutter” written by Joe Keatinge and illustrated by artist Leila del Duca from Image Comics not too long ago, I read throught and thought “OH. I TOTALLY WANT TO SEE MORE.” Adventurous and not one dimensional female lead, intriguing story, fantastic characters of all shapes and sizes and…..the main character, Kate Krisopher’s cat robot:
Brand MEW Day!?
Just killing the game here. Seriously. First panel in and I’m already in love.
I thought to myself, “Oh. That was cool. A cat alarm clock. I would love it if I saw more of this robotic feline creature.”
Oh WHAAAAA. It walks on two feet and follows you around and tells you got vociemails?!?!?
NICE. But don’t be too distracted by the awesomeness of this cat and go back to focusing on the bigger story at hand. The story of Kate Krisopher, once the girl adventurer, who is celebrating her birthday and soon to receive the biggest surprise…ever!
Then I read issue two……
WAIT…Cat Robot is not just an one issue character?! We see more of it?!
First panels into issue two is of Cat Robot….
Cat Robot has officially made itself useful and made it to the second issue.
So it not only functions as an alarm clock/reminder/voicemail message but
A bringer of happiness—a maker of cookies? YASSSSSS.
Wait. New Function Unlocked!
“Basic First Aid” Achievement Unlocked!!!
And on to Issue number three…
Basic First Aid Upgrade or ‘Crisis Intervention Cat’ role?
But the thing I love the most about this cat…..
And it seems that reading is this robot’s default action when it is not busy.
Are we going to talk about the other functions Cat Robot can do? Given that Kate is perpetually being
Surprised every step of the way every issue so far, I’m starting to think Kate’s faithful Cat Robot has
some kind of secret weapon inside it. At least a shield? A hologram message a la Princess Leia style from the mother she doesn’t seem to have???
But what’s next for this Cat Robot with an AI? SHUTTER #4 will be available in stores on 7/9 So we can find out (and of course, find out what happens to Kate, the main character of this exciting new series from Image Comics)
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