writer: Jason Aaron / artist: Russell Dauterman / Marvel

Thor (Marvel, can we start calling her All New Thor or is it too close to Secret Wars for that?) is having a really good run lately. I mean, it’s always been a great book on Jason Aaron’s watch, but this is a particularly innovative turn to take. Who would have thought that Thor, of all books, would turn out to be a good feminist narrative? Wonders never cease.

The mystery of who’s behind the helmet continues this issue as Thor continues his quest to find the Goddess of Thunder’s true identity. Aaron gives a couple of unexpected curveballs this week. One comes in the form of some brief back story into the origin of Roxxon’s CEO, Dario Agger. Don’t get me wrong. I would have been completely fine with never knowing why he’s a minotaur, but the “I’ve been a horrible little shit from jump” background works for Donald Trump, so I don’t see why I shouldn’t work here. The real unexpected turn the story takes is in The Odinson Formerly Known As Thor making a stop to see an old friend.

I wouldn’t dare give this one away but I will say that I did NOT expect to feel all of the feelings while reading a Thor comic. And I sincerely mean ALL OF THE FEELINGS. This particular scene reminds us that even though there’s someone else holding the hammer, this book is still every bit as much about Odinson’s journey as it is our mystery woman’s. The art? Four words: Welcome back, Russell Dauterman! Aaron writes a clean enough script that allows him to get out of the way and let the master work. His color palettes and attention to detail succeeds in making Midgard look just as fantastic and whimsical as the other nine realms. This book looks so insanely good, I genuinely believe Odin himself drew it.

Bottom Line: Even though we’re not closer (or maybe we are) to finding the Thunder Goddess’ real identity, this book is still top notch, entertaining fare, twice as good as 80% of Marvel’s regular rotation. 9 out of 10


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